Wednesday, November 26, 2008
See the video
Play bingo at BingoSAFE approved sites.
Video: Avoiding Loan Scams As the financial crises has developed over the last few months a new kind of scam e-mail has been increasingly being seen. The cheap loan e-mail from African 419 scammers!
Video: Avoiding Loan Scams As the financial crises has developed over the last few months a new kind of scam e-mail has been increasingly being seen. The cheap loan e-mail from African 419 scammers!
Bingo Addict? sponsored by Hyped Bingo - online Internet bingo - awesome prizes, tournaments, game, play, games
Bingo Addiction? Police arrested 41-year-old Lorie Creekmore on Sunday after a search that involved several officers and detectives, including some who had gone undercover in bingo halls in an effort to catch the avid player. She was arrested in a Norfolk bingo hall, of course. Creekmore was charged with nine counts of passing bad checks and obtaining money under false pretenses. She faces similar charges in Newport News and Chesapeake.
Bingo Addiction? Police arrested 41-year-old Lorie Creekmore on Sunday after a search that involved several officers and detectives, including some who had gone undercover in bingo halls in an effort to catch the avid player. She was arrested in a Norfolk bingo hall, of course. Creekmore was charged with nine counts of passing bad checks and obtaining money under false pretenses. She faces similar charges in Newport News and Chesapeake.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Some serious cash prizes
Chicago Special Needs Examiner: More than bingo
As anyone who has ever worked with or has known any senior, knows that hands down, bingo is their number one choice of activities. It's a game of chance so it offers the suspense that makes an activity interesting. It offers prizes, the favorite of which is cash. If your senior lives at home, they likely go at least once a week to a local church or hall that sponsors bingo. There they can hope to win some serious cash prizes
As anyone who has ever worked with or has known any senior, knows that hands down, bingo is their number one choice of activities. It's a game of chance so it offers the suspense that makes an activity interesting. It offers prizes, the favorite of which is cash. If your senior lives at home, they likely go at least once a week to a local church or hall that sponsors bingo. There they can hope to win some serious cash prizes
Bar owner indicted on conducting illegal bingo | | The Newark Advocate
Bar owner indicted on conducting illegal bingo | | The Newark Advocate
alleged sale of instant bingo pull-tab tickets without a license. The charge is a fourth-degree felony.
alleged sale of instant bingo pull-tab tickets without a license. The charge is a fourth-degree felony.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ruckus at Bingo hall leads to woman's arrest | | The News Star
Ruckus at Bingo hall leads to woman's arrest | | The News Star
An off-duty officer removed an unruly customer from a local bingo hall Sunday night.
An off-duty officer removed an unruly customer from a local bingo hall Sunday night.
Monday, November 17, 2008
An old joke, but classically funny
Friday, November 14, 2008
New news about online gambling in US
Wall Street Journal
Wedsnesday Nov 12, 2008
Online Gambling Faces New Curbs From the U.S.
The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve issued rules that bar financial companies from processing payments connected to most gambling Web sites, effectively making Internet gambling illegal.
Without these new regulations, the law, which passed easily (317-93) last year, would have been useless.
-Family Research Council
The rules, issued Wednesday, give companies until Dec. 1, 2009, to comply with a ban that covers credit-card transactions, electronic transfers and checks related to Internet gambling.
Oppostion to the move: gambling industry, banking sector, Democratic lawmakers.
Write your congressman today.
New News! Statis of Online Gambling Laws In US
sharing new news on gambling laws in US
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A whole new blog for launching sometime next week.. Stay tune bingo lovers!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Seniors game of choice: bingo | | Port Clinton News Herald
Seniors game of choice: bingo | | Port Clinton News Herald
Bingo is the hot game of choice at the Danbury Senior Center this fall. Saturday's program was the third public bingo event held at the East Harbor Road center, which is trying to draw in residents from all over the county, said site manager Paula Shenkel.
Bingo is the hot game of choice at the Danbury Senior Center this fall. Saturday's program was the third public bingo event held at the East Harbor Road center, which is trying to draw in residents from all over the county, said site manager Paula Shenkel.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 Blogs - Try Hyped Bingo - editorjackie MySpace Blog Blogs - Try Hyped Bingo - editorjackie MySpace Blog
See a talking avatar.
"WWW.HYPEDBINGO.COM is the only bingo game I can recommend."
See a talking avatar.
"WWW.HYPEDBINGO.COM is the only bingo game I can recommend."