Friday, June 17, 2005


Bingo hall assistant speaks out about fashion

Liz Hurley caught in the battle of the bulge!

Asian News International London, June 17, 2005

Hollywood beauty Elizabeth Hurley has irked women critics by her remarks that only slim women should wear tight clothes.

The actress, who recently launched her own line of beachwear, commented when asked about what fashion she would ban. "Anything that is too small or too tight, unless you're slim and toned. I'm sick of seeing flab bulging out all over," Liz was quoted by the Mirror, as saying. "Bare legs in a mini-skirt can look bad at any age," she added.

Bingo hall assistant Alison Baker, 33, said: "I'm a size 14 and I like wearing tight- fitting cropped tops. "Does that mean Liz Hurley will ban me from wearing them?"

It's a crazy world.. from BPN


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