Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Bingo Mega Nickels - online bingo news

Bingo Mega Nickels 30th of August - 6th of September

Jackpot Winners Devilwithanewdress won $1,513.40 on August 29th! WhereAreMyNo's won a total of $530.00 on August 26th! RSQ911 won a total of $410.00 on August 26th! Cybergal won a total of $950.00 on august 27th!

Dud's adventure Monday - Fridays from 9am- 1pm, the "crazy arrow" JP today stands at $5,500, and the sky is the limit!

Bingo Jackpot $1,041.75 Slots Jackpots Mega Wheels $19,275.32 Safe Jackpot $36,614.23 Secret Square $23,107.13

Labor Day Party Monday, Sept 5th, $50 cash prizes/$2,500 JP on every game from 8pm-10pm. $75 cash prizes/$2,500 JP playing randomly on the 'L' pattern from 6pm until 12 midnight EST. Once at 10pm, $500 cash prize game/$5,000 JP!

3c GAME Everyday plays randomly between 9am - 2am EST $25 Prize and $500 JP

Bingo MEGA Nickels Daily Specials RssFeed


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