Friday, August 12, 2005


Zodiac Bingo - Where all your Stars are Lucky Stars

Zodiac Bingo - Where all your Stars are Lucky Stars

Current Jackpot $5,350.00 and GROWING!

Welcome to the 12th of August, 2005 edition of the planet guide! Its about to burst open with info!

We are well and truly into August now, but we still have some fantastic treats lined up for the rest of the month! This week the newsletter is packed full of supersonic specials and some space-tastic chat games that truly are out of this world!

Rss Feed Zodiac Bingo's Daily Specials

Have you tried our Blackout hour between 5pm and 6pm EST? If not you really are missing out on the chance to win some huge pots! We start the pots off at a minimum of $25 for every game during that hour, so the more cards that are purchased the bigger these pots get, it really is as simple as that! So what are you waiting for?


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