Monday, September 26, 2005


An amazing $6,656.22 on September 23rd!

Online Bingo News - Bingo Empire

LAMAR55 won an amazing $6,656.22 on September 23rd!

Dime special $75 cash prizes and a $1,500 jackpot playing on EVERY game on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-11pm

Supernova Blackout playing every hour between 6pm and 10pm on weekdays! When that pattern explodes it showers $50 cash prizes and $500 Jackpot on the lucky winners!

Titan Coverall-1 Discover Titan the Bingo Empire way! Land on the Titan Coverall -1 on Saturdays and Sundays playing randomly between 6pm and 10pm with $75 cash prizes and $150 Jackpot!


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