Monday, October 24, 2005



ZanyBingo News Week of Oct 21, 2005

Halloween is just around the corner and we will have a load of krazy specials to celebrate. So make sure you don't miss out!

Check out the BIG BANANA this week the JP has hit $1000 and 47 Balls!

2-CENT COVERALL TOURNEY every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10-11pm! The 3 players who rack up the most amount of wins at the end of the month will be rewarded with $222, $100 and $50 in their accounts!!

SUPER 3 - Play Speed 3 corners only patterns, with 3 cent cards for a $33 prize and $99 JP! The Elusive '3' will play 1-3 times during the Super 3 special with a Super $99 Prize, and $333 JP!! Every day except Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10-11pm

BANANA BONUS POINTS Remember, you can save up your BBPs and convert them into some great prizes!! Be sure to keep checking the site for updates, as new prizes are being added all the time!! The Zany Banana Bonus Points scheme now offers you a choice from over 1000 items in 50 different departments!

Overview of Zany Bingo on


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