Friday, October 28, 2005


Halloween Day! $40 set prize on nickel games!

Zodiac Bingo News Oct 28, 2005

Halloween Day! WIZARDLY GOINGS ON Beginning at 7AM till 12AM on Monday October 31st look for our special Halloween Pumpkin pattern. There's a $40 set prize from noon to midnight EST. Grab your bingo buds and join in. And watch for the ghostie with the mostee!! You never know what the ghostie will do.

NOVEMBER SPECIAL WOW!! Starting November 1st from 12 AM to 6 AM we have $10 SET POTS. Set your auto or grab a pot of coffee and sit up with our ZMs through the night. Chat games are played 24 hours a day!!

WATCH OUT FOR... Daily 10-11pm Speed Pennies & 3c

Team Zodiac League every Friday evening from 7PM to 10:30PM EST. League is a team game where teams score points from group participation. The top three teams who collect the most points at the end of the month will each win a super prize.

MINIMUM POT MADNESS! 6pm-1am TEN dollars! 5-6pm speed Blackouts $25 minimum pot! 8-9pm Daily (5-6pm on Friday), we will be playing for minimum pots of $35. Remember, these pots can only go up

AUTUMN ACCUMULATOR This week the Jackpot will be set at $1000 and 50 Balls!

333s: This is a called game. Pick 3 numbers 1-75 ending in the same number. Example 15.35.75. When all three numbers come out type "333s" in chat. First one to do so wins 1 StarBuck.

Zodiac Bingo where all your stars are Lucky Stars! Overview on BPN


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