Monday, October 31, 2005


Halloween party $3,000 JP!

Bingo Empire News Oct 31 - Nov 7, 2005

Halloween Party Join us on October 31st, for a great evening as we celebrate Halloween!!! Load your cards and get ready for the $75 cash prizes, and the $3,000 jackpot playing randomly on the ‘H’ pattern from 6pm until 12 midnight EST!

Titan Coverall-1 Discover Titan the Bingo Empire way! Land on the Titan Coverall -1 on Saturdays and Sundays playing randomly between 6pm and 10pm with $75 cash prizes and $150 Jackpot!

October weekend specials Try your luck on Saturdays and Sundays and don't miss the $50 minimum pots on every game from 8pm until 10pm EST!

Have a great week and GOOD LUCK everyone!

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