Thursday, November 03, 2005


$50 cash prizes and a $1,500 jackpot on Dimes cards!

Glamour Bingo Newsletter Nov 3 - 10, 2005

Congratulations to: hudak1, who won an amazing $1,924.70 progressive bingo jackpot on October 28th! WTG! runnerin won a total of $370.00 at Pull Tabs Flowers on October 30th! wylie won a total of $450.00 at Bonus Poker Video Poker on November 1st!

In November, play bingo as much as you can at Glamour Bingo, and we, in return will show our appreciation by rewarding our frequent players! The top three players by cards played between November 1st and November 30th, will win $50 BB’s!! ...and the top three players with the most deposits in November will win $100BB’s. Good luck!

Skippy’s Bash Skippy wants to brighten your weekday evenings at Glamour Bingo! Join Skippy, as he hops from Mondays to Wednesday to Fridays, and from 8pm until 10pm EST with $50 cash prizes and a $1,500 jackpot on Dimes cards!

Glamour Climax! Every Weekend! Bring ALL your friends along to Glamour and win FREE BB'S! 5pm-6pm if we have at least 50 players in any 1 game all players will receive $3 BB's for that first game with at least 50 players. 6pm-7pm if we have at least 60 players they all receive $4BB's for that first game with at least 60 players; 7pm-8pm if we have at least 70 players they receive $5 BB's for that first game with at least 70 players; 8pm-9pm if at least 80 players they receive $6 BB's for that first game with al least 80 players; 9pm-10pm if at least 90 players they receive $7 BB's for that first game with at least 90 players; 10pm-11pm if at least 100 players they receive $10 BB's for that first game with at least 100 players!!!

Playing every Saturday and Sunday in November, don’t miss your chance to play for $30 cash prizes and a $1,500 Jackpot, on Nickels Cards, from 8pm until 10 pm EST.

Coming Soon Bingo World Championship, Cruise Miles Tournament, Thanksgiving, ...and many, many more...

Coverall special! Play the $50 Coverall Games every day! 4pm EST - 9pm EST Plays every 30 minutes with prize of $50 and Jackpot of $500!

Fun Chat Specials Glamour Blackjack: 9am-10am Bingo on a number up to 21 and get $5 Bonus Bucks. If the number is over 21 bingo winner is bust and gets a consolation prize of $2 Bonus Bucks.

Overview of Glamour Bingo on


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