Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Blackout Special! $50 cash prizes

Bingo Empire News Nov 14 - 21, 2005

Cruise Miles Tournament Bingo Empire would like to take you on a cruise! Start collecting those Cruise Miles early to maximize your chances in winning! Get details here

Bingo Cash Prize: Don't miss our Blackout Special! Playing every day randomly between 6pm - 12 midnight EST, this is your chance to claim $50 cash prizes and a $500 jackpot!

Cash Prize Specials! Titan Coverall-1 Discover Titan the Bingo Empire way! Land on the Titan Coverall -1 on Saturdays and Sundays playing randomly between 6pm and 10pm with $75 cash prizes and $150 Jackpot! Go Play Now!

November weekend specials Try your luck on Saturdays and Sundays and don't miss the $50 minimum pots on every game from 8pm until 10pm EST!
November frequent players prizes! Play Bingo between November 1st and November 30th. If you are one of the top three frequent players by most cards played, you win... First place: $75BB'sOr if you are one of the three top frequent players by most deposits during November, you win... First place: $75BB's

Chat specials 11pm - 12 Midnight Venus Delight Get the love bug! One and one make two, so add double digit bingo numbers together and you win the equivalent number of BBB's!! Bingo Winner Only. *** 6pm - 7pm Speed Bingo Mini Tournament - In this mini tournament, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd players with the most bingo wins at the end of the hour receives $20 Bonus Bucks, $10 Bonus Bucks and $5 Bonus Bucks respectively. In the event of a tie, the prizes will be combined and divided accordingly.

Review of Bingo Empire on Bingoplayernetwork.com


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