Friday, November 18, 2005


vanilla won $9,402.62! WOW

Zodiac Bingo News Nov 18, 2005


Thanksgiving Watch for the drum stick pattern that will play for six hours starting at 6 PM EST till 12 AM. There's a $40 set pot with a whopping $1000 jackpot. Zodiac's Turkey Shoot from 8 PM til 9:30 PM EST!! Bingo on a number ending in 5 or less and you and your nabors will win 1 StarBuck. Bingo on a number ending in 6 or more and you and you're bouncing nabors will win 2 StarBux. Happy hunting!!

NOVEMBER SPECIAL WOW!! 12 AM to 6 AM we have $10 SET POTS. Set your auto or grab a pot of coffee and sit up with our ZMs through the night. Chat games are played 24 hours a day!!

WATCH OUT FOR... Daily 10-11pm Speed Pennies & 3c

SPEED COVERALLS Also, starting this Friday, we have $25 speed coveralls from 7 PM TO 8 PM.

Team Zodiac League every Friday evening from 7PM to 10:30PM EST. League is a team game where teams score points from group participation. The top three teams who collect the most points at the end of the month will each win a super prize.

MINIMUM POT MADNESS! 6pm-1am TEN dollars! 5-6pm speed Blackouts $25 minimum pot! 8-9pm Daily (5-6pm on Friday), we will be playing for minimum pots of $35. Remember, these pots can only go up!

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