Friday, December 16, 2005


Win PC with a LCD Flat Monitor

BingoFun -News Dec 16, 2005

JACKPOT WINNERS: $750.00 12/14 annabanana6 $1000.00 12/13 Sea Breeze $1468.72 12/13 Cadeau $2264.64 12/13 wildgirl $1000.00 12/11 dirtythirty $3180.86 12/11 luckee $2500.00 12/11 LuckyLilElf $4296.70 12/09 GreenPenny9 $1000.00 12/08 glpmakeit $2000.00 12/08 jenn0790

SUPER NICKEL SPECIAL: It's nickels right around the clock every day until Christmas Day!!! The only exceptions will be our our Christmas specials and Wednesday night trains.

ADVENT CALENDAR: playing every hour from 6PM-Midnight each day. This week it goes up to a huge $300 Prize and $7500 Jackpot, rising to a massive $400 Prize and a $10,000 Jackpot the week of Christmas. Plus - it's Nickel cards, and you can play from 3-250 cards.

OUR CHRISTMAS BINGOFUN PC WITH LCD FLAT MONITOR: The lucky winner will be chosen from the top 50 players who play the most cards from December 1st through December 23rd!!!

CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN AT BINGOFUN: FOUR $100 Gift Certificates a day. Ho Ho Ho!

NEW WEDNESDAY NIGHT MYSTERY GUARANTEED JACKPOT: You never know how much the Jackpot will be until you see it play. It could be any amount from $300 to $1500!!!

EVENING SPECIAL PRIZE GAMES: Set cash prize every single day from 6PM-Midnight, $50 minimum prize for 6 full hours every day of the week. Now that is BingoFun!!!!

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