Friday, March 17, 2006


Earn Cash promoting online bingo

Bingo Splash Affiliate Program Earn money promoting a reputable online bingo hall.

Bingo Splash Affiliate Benefits include:

-> No upfront investment - just sign up, put our banner on your website, and kick back to watch the money roll in. Of course, the more you promote the game site, the higher your income.
-> Free banners for promotion on your website.
-> Receive payments by the 3rd of each month from Bingo Splash.
-> Free 24/7 support!


Up to $4,999 earn 20% on monthly netgaming!
$5,000 - $7,999 earn 25%
$8,000 - $9,999 earn 30%
$10,000 - $39,999 earn 35%
$40,000 - $49,999 earn 40%
Over $50,000 earn 50%



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