Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Book Club Monday

Book Club Digest Page

Non-Fiction OUT OF GAS by David Goodstein Anyone who remembers the temporary, artificial oil shortage of 1973 can guess what will happen when the oil really starts to run out.

Mystery ASSAULT AND PEPPER by Tamar Myers It seems someone slipped some peanut butter into the chili, knowing full well that the good reverend was deathly allergic to peanuts.

Self_Help The Teen Code: How to Talk to Us About Sex, Drugs, and Everything Else -- Teenagers Reveal What Works Best - By Rhett Godfrey with Neale S. Godfrey

Science Fiction WHITE DEVILS by Paul McAuley The future of Africa, the darker applications of biotechnology, and the very nature of the human psyche.

Fiction SONG OF THE CROW by Layne Maheu Reasons for human fear and hope--and of the role that Free Will always plays when we struggle... to survive.

Good News GRACE AT LOW TIDE by Beth Webb Hart If the good Lord has a plan for saving them, now might be a good time to start.

Romance THE STORK REALITY by Malena Lott The Birth of a Mother 32 weeks--Ready or not; only one month left to go. Time to face THE STORK REALITY.


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