Friday, September 08, 2006



BingoFun - Real Cash Bingo, Slots, Chat and Fun!

GRANDPARENTS' DAY SPECIALS: Sun, Sept 10th celebrate grandparents' Day!! Watch for the G/P/D pattern to play with a grand Prize of $500!!! ALONG with some $100, $50 and $25 Gift Certificates to be given away!!!

PATRIOTS' DAY: On Sept 11th salute Patriots' Day!! Flag pattern high with a Prize of $500!!! Along with specials such as, bingo on B11 and win 50 BFBs!!!

In Memorial to 911 victims and families: Bingofun will donate a percentage of all winnings on BingoFun on September 11th to the Red Cross!! We will announce the amount raised in next week's newsletter. Our heart goes out to everyone affected by wars and violence across the world.


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