Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Poll: 'Merry Christmas' vs 'Happy Holidays'? BingoRater

BingoRater.com - A Five Star Bingo Rating Site

Poll: 'Merry Christmas' vs 'Happy Holidays'?

Americans are ready to put "Merry Christmas" back into holiday shopping, a new poll shows.

An overwhelming majority of Americans surveyed - 95 percent - said they were not offended by a "Merry Christmas" in stores.

However, 32 percent of respondents said they took offense at "Happy Holidays," the religiously neutral alternative promoted over the last few years as inclusive and inoffensive.

Along partisan lines, 8 percent of the Democrats polled said they were offended at a "Merry Christmas" greeting, compared to less than 1 percent of the Republicans surveyed.


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