Friday, February 08, 2008


the industry struggles to survive ‘double taxation’

ATE Online - News

A new report by market analyst Mintel has identified the smoking ban as the biggest cause of the decline in business at UK bingo halls. It said that the result of bingo players either staying away or spending time outside smoking during game intervals has been a sharp downturn in refreshment sales and gaming machine takings.

Mecca Bingo refuted the report’s finding, stating that gambling laws posed a greater threat as the industry struggles to survive ‘double taxation’. Under current regulations bingo halls are the only businesses that are required to pay both gross profit tax and VAT.

A spokesman for Mecca Bingo commented: “The Gambling Act has severely disadvantaged bingo halls across the UK. Some MPs have been very supportive in terms of lobbying for taxation parity, but because of this discrimination, the bingo industry is facing some pretty severe head winds.”


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